

During this study we discover that there are no rational points p∈Ln with weighted moduli height ≤ 2 in any of L2, L3, and L5. This extends on previous work of the authors to use machine learning methods to study the moduli space of genus 2 algebraic curves.

Abstract: Computation of Gauss's arithmetic-geometric mean involves iteration of a simple step, whose algebro-geometric interpretation is the construction of an elliptic curve isogenous to a given one, specifically one whose period is double the original period. A higher genus analogue should involve the explicit construction of a curve whose jacobian is isogenous to the jacobian of a given curve. The doubling of the period matrix means that the kernel of the isogeny should be a lagrangian subgroup of the group of points of order 2 in the jacobian. In genus 2 such a construction was given classically by Humbert and was studied more recently by Bost and Mestre. In this article we give such a construction for general curves of genus 3. We also give a similar but simpler construction for hyperelliptic curves of genus 3. We show that the hyperelliptic construction is a degeneration of the general one, and we prove that the kernel of the induced isogeny on jacobians is a lagrangian subgroup of the points of order 2. We show that for g at least 4 no similar construction exists, and we also reinterpret the genus 2 case in our setup. Our construction of these correspondences uses the bigonal and the trigonal constructions, familiar in the theory of Prym varieties.

Abstract: Part of the talk is expository: I will explain how supersingular isogeny graphs can be used to construct cryptographic hash functions and survey some of the rich mathematics involved. Then, with this motivation in mind, I will discuss two recent theorems by Jonathan Love and myself. The first concerns the generation by maximal orders by elements of particular norm. The second states that maximal orders of elliptic curves are determined by their theta functions.